Monday, May 25, 2009

Like a Raccoon

Looking in the mirror tonight, I look like a raccoon. A sunburnt, windburnt raccoon. Somehow the idea of sunscreen completely slipped my mind this morning, maybe because it was a chilly 50 degrees and foggy as I left the house for the last training ride of the season before AIDS/LifeCycle 8.

The day began fairly late. I left the house to meet Dan, Ricky and Nick at the Sports Basement in the Presidio at 8:20 AM. Riding past the soldiers assembling on the Presidio's Parade Ground for the day's Memorial Day commemorations, I received a text message from Dan. Seems Ricky and Nick were running on "Ricky time". Long story short, Dan and I ended up waiting nearly and hour for Ricky and Nick to show up; thank goodness they brought Starbucks.

Given that this was the last training ride of the season, we decided that it shouldn't be too long. We eventually agreed on the old stand-by, the 45 mile Tiburon Loop. Riding off into the worst headwinds of the season, we were forced to pedal even downhill.

Arriving in Tiburon, we chose Sam's as our lunch spot. Over calamari, artichokes and sandwiches (riding 45 miles has its advantages), we discussed the impact of Schwarzenegger's proposed cuts to the AIDS Drug Assistance Program. The current assault on the health of HIV+ Californians made our preparations for the challenge ahead seem that much more worthwhile.

Leaving lunch we found that the wind had changed direction, but so had we, and we were riding into the headwinds again. The sun had finally come out at least.

It was a tough day, but it was a joyful end to a great training season, riding with some great friends and looking forward to the adventure ahead.